D.K. and Choity Sarkar have been in the U.S. just over two months and have enjoyed connecting with their supporters face-to-face and also meeting new supporters. So far they have been in the Pacific Northwest and Indiana. Now they are in Colorado and have already visited churches in Denver, Lamar, …
Sarkar Deputation Update #2
D. K. and Choity Sarkar are a month and a half into their deputation. Their primary purpose on deputation is to express their deep gratitude to those of you who are partnering with them in prayer and financial support. They also hope to find others who the Lord might lead to partner with them in …
Sarkar Deputation Update #1
D. K. and Choity Sarkar are almost a month into their deputation. As a reminder, their primary purpose on deputation over the coming months is to express their deep gratitude to those of you who are partnering with them in prayer and financial support. They also hope to find others who the Lord …