We arrived in Portland on 31st October. Jan Cammack took us to her apartment from the airport. She was a great help to us. She drove the car for us to visit different churches and friends in the Oregon area. We were privileged to have a Zoom meeting with Tony and Stacy Wheeler. It was a blessing time for us. In the evening, went to the South Salem Friends church to share our ministry. It was a joint event with Scott’s Mills, Rosedale, and Marion Friends. We had a very good potluck dinner with a group of people. We are thankful to Pastor Austin Way for arranging everything for us. We express our special gratitude to Dr. Chuck and Nancy Mylander for sacrificing their time with us and offering lunch together on November 2. We shared many memories and prayed together. In the evening, Linday Bryd and Marilyn came to visit us at Jan’s house and had a wonderful dinner time together. Jan and Metali cooked for us. We are thankful to all of them. Edwin had also a very good time with the Newberg youth group. He enjoyed it a lot. November 3 was one of our very memorable days. One of our very beloved missionaries and professor Dr. Phil Parshall made time with his wife Juli to have a video call from Sebring, Florida. They were missionaries in Bangladesh for 20 years. Very much committed to minister among the Muslims. He has written several very important books related to the ministry among
Muslims. What a blessing to talk with him. He is waiting to go to his original home in heaven.
Jan Cammack became a great blessing to all of us, but especially to Edwin. Jan had completed her Ph. D on Organic Chemistry, and she helped E. a lot to understand chemical reactions and related lessons. She also demonstrated some chemical reactions that can be used as an objective lesson to share the gospel. It was awesome. She is very organized and a good planner. She became our GPS here in Oregon. We just simply follow her. We thank the Lord for her life and love for the Lord.
On November 4, me and E. went to the Chehalem Friends church in the morning to speak at the men’s breakfast. It was a good time with some very dedicated godly people. We thank God for that. In the afternoon, I had a good talk with Pastor Nike LeMonds of Forge Life in a coffee shop in Newberg. I have learned about his transformed life and passion for the lost. May the Lord use him mightily to bring many young people to Him who are living without Jesus.
Sunday, November 5 was a very special day for us. We had a morning speaking engagement at Newberg Friends Church combined with Sunday School classes. Dr. Chuck Mylander introduced us to a large group of people. We shared our ministry with them. We were introduced to the Sunday service. Joe Thouvenal delivered a gospel message entitled “He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand…” It was a very good sermon with several reflection questions. We gathered at a Potluck after service. We have a wonderful question-and-answer time with many people.
On November 7 we visited several waterfalls including Multnomah Fall and Bonneville Lock & Dam in Oregon for the whole day. It was awesome. It reminds me how beautifully God has made everything for us, and we should be very much grateful for all his blessings.
November 8 was the most important day for the EFM family because it was the day to discuss, seek direction from the Lord, and propose to select new ministry fields for sending missionary households in 2025. I have observed oneness in discussion and dedication in prayers. We celebrated the 60th Anniversary of EFM followed by a Banquet at Oregon Zoo. It was a time of honoring God and expressing our gratitude to the Lord and all who were involved in mission work. We had a wonderful dinner fellowship at Jan’s house with some godly men and women including B. and D. A. The next day morning we went to visit one of our long-time partners and friends at Mustard Seed Farm in Newberg. As we were about to leave the house, Hudson, the dog of Jan Cammack ran to Jan and started to plead to take him with us. He was pleading again and again. It seems to me that a son is pleading with his father something he likes. He was longing to go with his master. His expectation was very simple but very sincere. It reminds me that we have a faithful God who loves us and cares for us. We must long for his fellowship and our prayer should be very humble, simple, and sincere. Hudson opens me again about my intentional relationship with my heavenly Father.
We are so thankful to Jan Cammack and Marilyn Harmon for arranging a short vacation after a very busy week of ministry. We’re very grateful to Marilyn and her brother who graciously offered us their beach house to stay and provided different kinds of sea food to enjoy at beach house. We enjoyed the sunny beach and nature there. On the way back to Newberg, we visited Tillamook cheese factory and other nature. We saw a very old cedar tree “Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) which is estimated to be 800-1200 years old. We have a lot of fun and enjoy with nature and it remined us the song, “How Great Thou Art…When through the woods, and forest glades I wander, And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees. When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze.”
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Our last ministry in Newberg was with the youth group. M. cooked Bengali food that was all eaten by them. I think they loved it. E. helped the group make a ball with paper and an unused polyethene bag and played like cricket. It was fun. I shared some video clips that teach about our culture and country. Then I spoke about our ministry. Our time was closed by a group of prayers.
We’re very much thankful to Jan Cammack who was a guiding angel for us in our time in Oregon. She took good care of us, opened her house to stay, cooked for us, took every place where we needed to go, contacted people as many as she could, helped us to keep busy with the ministry and people and so on. We are very thankful to her love and generosity. May the Lord bless her richly.
As we have joy in our present deputation ministry here in the USA, we also have disappointment. But God is always good to us. Our next destination would be in Sequim, WA, Iowa and California area. Pray that the Lord provides at least one person in each place we share who will be willing to partner with us either by praying or giving.
A. and M.A.
Serving together in Bangladesh
Below is our general schedule. If you would like to schedule an opportunity to see us while we are in your area, you can fill out this form or contact us at ama@friendsmission.com.
You can support us through prayer and financial giving. We need and appreciate both so that we can reach 100% in both areas before heading back to Bangladesh. We currently have 719 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 800. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 87% of our ongoing monthly need. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, would you please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Bangladesh?
There are four ways to partner with us:
- Online. Visit https://catalog.friendsmission.com/ama. You’ll be given the opportunity to indicate whether you are making a recurring or one-time gift.
- Credit Card. This may be given online (as stated above) or by calling the EFM office (303-421-8100) to give your information to a live person.
- Automatic Bank Transfer. Download the form here and email it to Debby McElroy (EFM Bookkeeper) at debby@friendsmission.com. Please note that ACH payments are processed on the 10th or 25th of the month.
- Check. Mail a check to EFM, P.O. Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277. Make sure to mark your check “A. and M. A. Support” and note if you will be giving on a recurring basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Pay to the order of “EFM.”