Dear Friends, Thank you for praying for our Easter services. My heart was troubled as Easter was approaching. Everything was shut down because of COVID-19. I thought only three or four Hindus might accept Christ. I had told all my pastors and leaders not to go evangelizing before …
Archives for April 2020
Alivio de Emergencia Necesario ante Inundaciones para Amigos en el Congo
Uvira, Congo, donde se encuentran Amigos Evangélicos, actualmente necesita ayuda de emergencia después de fuertes lluvias e inundaciones durante el fin de semana pasado. Todos los ríos están sobre el borde de las orillas. Brad Carpenter y David Thomas forman parte del equipo D por D quienes han …
Emergency Flood Relief Needed for Friends in Congo
Uvira, Congo, where Evangelical Friends are located, is currently in need of emergency aid after heavy rains and flooding over the weekend. All of the rivers are way over the banks. Brad Carpenter and David Thomas are among the D for D team who have been working with Friends in the area over the …