Dear Family and Friends, I can’t remember a time when I was so happy for a year-end, but I am especially grateful now, for lessons learned and battles won in 2020, and for the strong assurance that GOD IS in charge. In the last three months we experienced periods of lock down in different parts …
COVID Pandemic Testimony from Romania
Voicu and Ana Marian serve as missionaries in Romania. Ana recently sent us a story in response to our request for more stories about God’s faithfulness during the pandemic. She said she would rather call it a story of God’s glory rather than a “pandemic story.” Therefore Ana has given it the title, …
EFM COVID-19 Updates | Pray for Romania
Voicu and Ana Marian are originally from Romania and spent many years in the U.S. They found the Lord through the ministry of Alliance Friends Church (Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region) and then heard the Lord calling them to go back to Romania to be a witness for him. Since the year 2000 …