There don’t seem to be accurate words to describe how I am feeling to be getting on a plane tomorrow afternoon that is headed for Ireland, without a return ticket. I am grateful, excited, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed and hopeful. Several friends and family have asked me what I will miss the most …
Kathi Perry Deputation Update
It’s hard for me to believe sometimes, but on November 27th I will have lived in Ireland twenty years. This means quite a few deputations, as well! As I have traveled the past five weeks, I have been so thankful for the relationships formed over the years. I’ve received such a warm welcome …
Molly is Leaving in Two Weeks!
Here I am, two weeks away from my departure date feeling all the feelings as I anticipate moving to Ireland for full-time ministry. I am so grateful for the ways I have been loved, encouraged, supported, affirmed, and challenged during this time of transition. I received some great news last week …