In September, I wrote to you and expressed my gratitude for the support I’ve received for the past 23 years (and I still feel that!): financially, prayerfully, in hospitality, and in relationships across the U.S. In that letter, I spoke of a deficit in my funding due to a large increase in monthly …
Howellclan Connection: January 2025
Howellclan Connection: Happy 2025 Dear Friends, The beginning of a new year allows time to pause and reflect on the year that was. I have been doing just that over the last couple of weeks. The year for us was split into two halves. It began with our time with you in the States. Then, it ended …
Molly Morton is Going on Deputation!
Hello from Ireland, It’s Friday afternoon on a typical week for me in Greystones, Ireland. I am sitting in my office at the Church of the Nazarene Greystones, aka the Naz where I am finalizing Sunday morning plans like who is on projection and what am I teaching in Sunday school. I’ve just …