February 2021 Dear Friends, When I was staying with Kathi during my 2019 trip to Ireland, I often found myself anxious about what to do next, what would happen if I did that thing, what would happen if that thing didn’t lead to the next thing that I wanted to happen, and the anxious questions …
February 2021 Prayer Letter
The Retnaraj Family | Serving in Nepal “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and His kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:1-2 The Musahars …
February 2020 Prayer Letter
Hello from M. and K. L. – all seven of us! Aren’t the holidays such a mix of joy and stress? We know that this tension is always present during our holiday seasons! We are so thankful that despite our humanness and tendencies to complicate things, God works. He effectively completes all he desires …