It is incredible that we are already going through autumn this year! It seems like it was only a few weeks ago that we shared our latest newsletter with you, but in reality, it’s already been four months! So, we feel it is time to share with you and invite you to continue supporting and praying for our mobilization ministry. We are truly so thankful to God for the many opportunities he has given us in just the last four months. Our calling, motivation, and passion for ministry at this stage of our lives is that while we could be the ones who go to a mission field, but we feel from God that for now we can mobilize, train, and send many others.
Guatemala Friends in Preparation for the EFM Mission Sending Learning Conference
In the first week of August, Edwin and I, with our EFM field director, Daniel Cammack, spent a few days in meetings with Guatemala Yearly Meeting leaders to present to them the proposal to hold a Missions Learning Conference at a Latin American level in Chiquimula, Guatemala in the summer of 2025. Chiquimula is an important city in the history of the Friends’ missions and there are also adequate facilities to hold a conference of this magnitude.
We are very grateful to God for allowing us to establish relationships with the leaders of the Guatemala Yearly Meeting, who gladly accepted the challenge of hosting this conference and receiving leaders from the United States, Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, and Asia. We are excited and ready to work together with the Guatemala Yearly Meeting in planning this important event.
Please pray that in every detail of planning this conference, we can sense the hand of God guiding us and providing the necessary resources.
Pray that God will prepare the hearts of all those who will be participating in both the logistics and preparation, as well as pray for all those who will be attending from other countries.
COMHINA Community is the Missionary Cooperation of Hispanics of North America, and the annual conference was held in Miami, Florida, on September 4-7. This conference brings together sending agencies, missionary training agencies, mission mobilizers, and missionaries from different denominations in the United States at the Hispanic level. It is truly a privilege and blessing that we can be part of COMHINA and have been able to participate in this annual conference representing EFM. It is really very exciting to know how God is using Hispanics as well to carry out the missing task in the evangelization of the unreached and how he is opening doors of opportunity for many more to be trained and sent.
RMYM and SHINE NWYM Women’s Retreats
At RMYM Women’s Retreat (Sept 19-22) and SHINE NWYM Women’s Retreat (Sept 26-29)
God allowed me, Maria, to attend the two consecutive weeks to which I was invited to share about EFM and our ministry. It was a great blessing and encouragement, and I was ministered by sharing with so many beautiful women from both Yearly Meetings, who showed me so many signs of love with details and words. Many approached me to let me know that they continue to pray for me and my family!
At RMYM, which was held at Quaker Ridge Camp, I not only ministered, but I also had the opportunity to serve by translating one of the messages to a group of women who only speak Spanish since they newly arrived in the United States and Denver Friends has embraced as they adjust to a new life. In NWYM’s SHINE, I was ministered to, pampered, renewed, and surprised to receive a birthday cake, and everyone joined their voices to sing Happy Birthday to me! I really felt very loved, and I know very well that it is the love of God transmitted through every word, hug, and detail from all these beautiful women.
Friends Denver- Discipleship and Leadership Training
God is allowing us to continue being involved in the planting of new churches, now in Denver, Colorado. Edwin and I have partnered with Denver Friends Church to help establish and develop discipleship and leadership in the beginning of their Hispanic congregation, which is made up of primarily people from Venezuela to whom Denver Friends have extended a helping hand and have adopted in the faith. Some of them already know the Gospel, and others are new to their faith in Christ. Denver Friends’ leaders often said that seems like God sent a mission field to her own church.
Edwin and I have committed to providing online training and visiting in person once a month, and we started this October. Additionally, the messages given by Edwin on Sundays in Las Vegas are being recorded so Denver Friends can see the message each Sunday in their language. We feel that it is another great opportunity to serve in the kingdom in something that we are passionate about.
Pray for this new congregation, so that it is God through his Word and the power of the Holy Spirit giving maturity to each one and that soon we can have solid, strong leaders and that God calls and raises up his own pastor from there. This is our wish for Friends Denver.
Please pray for the upcoming ministry opportunities we will have:
- AMANA was Oct 10-13- Annual Conference of Hispanic Friends of North America, where we shared a workshop and a mini-conference on missions to area churches.
- Luke 10:2 Prayer Trip to Ecuador Oct 25-Nov1- We will be leading a prayer trip to the Shuar territory in Ecuador. Pray for safety, health, strength and for good opportunities to pray and present the Gospel.
- International Friends Church Multiplication Conference Nov 13-15- Edwin was invited to give one of the messages at this conference, and we are also involved.
Once again, we want to thank you for your time reading this letter, your love, your support, and your precious and valuable prayers. All Honor and Glory to our Lord, whom we serve and obey!
Serving him,
Edwin and Maria Giron
EFM Missions Mobilizers
Raising Funding |
We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to pray for our funding and more prayer partners; now, we are currently at 46 % and very close to reaching 50% of our support. Please pray that God will add more people willing to get involved in mobilizing, training, sending new workers, and raising new works through investing in this ministry.
It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry as Missions Mobilizers!
There are four ways to partner with them financially:
- Online. Visit You’ll be given the opportunity to indicate whether you are making a recurring or one-time gift.
- Credit Card. This may be given online (as stated above) or by calling the EFM office (303-421-8100) to give your information to a live person.
- Automatic Bank Transfer. Download the form here and email it Debby McElroy (EFM Bookkeeper) at Please note that ACH payments are processed on the 10th or 25th of the month.
- Check. Mail a check to EFM, P.O. Box 771139, Wichita, KS 67277. Make sure to mark your check “Giron Support” and note if you will be giving on a recurring basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.). Pay to the order of “EFM.”