By November 2024, EFM had made a commitment to launch seven of the nine fields that were under exploration. Those seven fields are now moving on to the prayer and pre-launch planning phases. Meanwhile, we are currently still sending Luke 10 Exploration Teams to consider other potential fields, one …
Liddell Family: December 2024 Newsletter
“I made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love you have loved me with may be in them and I may be in them.” John 17:26. Jesus made his Father’s name known to his disciples and to those he encountered so that the Father’s love would be in them, as he would be in …
Carta de Oración diciembre 2024
Edwin y María Giron | Movilizadores de Misiones para Amigos Hispanos Edwin y yo podemos testificarles que verdaderamente vale la pena servir a Jesucristo, vivir para Él y ser obedientes. El Señor nos ha permitido dirigir viajes de oración Lucas 10:2 a México y Ecuador y poder ver e incluso …