A couple weeks ago, I got a text from an acting buddy of mine. The text read, “Thought you might be interested in this. 😊”. The pictures attached were of Quaker famine pots. These were used to feed hundreds of people during the Irish potato famine and kept countless people alive. “The humble famine pots’ sole purpose was to feed the starving population in the packed workhouses and in temporary soup kitchens that had been set up around the country. We have the Quakers to thank for mobilizing relief aid from around the world to come to the rescue of the Irish.” (Irish Memorial Website, Italics and underline are mine.) The Quakers were instrumental in transforming the entire relief process across the country by starting with the simple act of providing soup to starving people.
Throughout Irish history, the Quakers have had a strong reputation of being people who were actively involved in meeting the daily needs of the people that they were serving. They came alongside people who were in desperate need and set about finding ways to be an agent of change.
I found this very cool and humbling. My buddy knew I was a Quaker and wanted to send this to me. He knew that I was actively involved today with hurting people and striving to find ways to meet their needs. We shared with many of you in person that our desire is to search for people who may have fallen through the cracks and fill those cracks, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Quakers have an exciting history in Ireland. But we are not done yet!!!
This year is the 400th anniversary of George Fox’s birth. One of the defining moments in his life was standing atop Pendle Hill in 1652. He had a vision. “From the top of this hill the Lord let me see in what places he had a great people to be gathered.”
We have been home now for a little over a month and a half. And that vision that Fox had 400 years ago is alive and burning in me today. This afternoon, I was standing in a graveyard that overlooked Wicklow Town. As I stood there,
this vision echoed in my heart. I was praying, pleading, crying out and praying for people to grab a hold of the message of Jesus Christ. Praying for the people of Wicklow to come to grips with their own faith and see the true Jesus. Praying for people to come to an understanding that they are loved and that they are treasured. Praying that as they grow in their faith, they will impact those around them like the Quakers of old.
As we have been back and ministering and sharing cups of coffee with our friends, we have seen God move in some very amazing ways. An invitation came from a minister of a local church in Ireland to come and speak at his church. We’ve begun the initial conversation of starting a discipleship group with several individuals when we get moved into our new home. We have seen positive reactions to my idea that I had begun to share with folks, dealing with men’s mental and spiritual struggles. As we have reconnected with so many of our friends, it is exciting to see spiritual growth happening in their lives.
Please pray with us. Pray for lives to be transformed through the good news of Jesus Christ. Please pray with us as we move and get settled into our new home. Please pray that we will walk in step with the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the EFM-Ireland Quakers will once again be the agents of rescue and hope. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support for us.
Grace and Peace
David and Tricia Howell