Howellclan Connection: Happy 2025
Dear Friends,
The beginning of a new year allows time to pause and reflect on the year that was. I have been doing just that over the last couple of weeks. The year for us was split into two halves. It began with our time with you in the States. Then, it ended as we made the transition back to Ireland in the middle of August. I wanted to share a few thoughts about both of those journeys.
Firstly, our time in the States was such a blessing. It was an opportunity to meet with so many of you and share in person all that God has been doing through our partnership in Ireland and in Europe. As I process this time, there is one thing that stands out above the miles on the road, the countless storms we encountered, or the sheer exhaustion of always going and being ready for whatever was next. That one thing was simply your smiles and love and heart for us. Even as I write this, I am tearing up. We love you all and it was evident beyond all doubt how much you love and care for us as well. We are here only because of you. Your encouragement, prayers, support, and love for us and the Irish is beyond anything I can put into words. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our lives and joining us in this adventure.
Secondly, as we returned to Ireland, we faced the typical paradox. It was both difficult and seamless to readjust to life and ministry here. We started having our 1000 cups of coffee
with our friends within the first week we got back. Yet, for me, it felt a bit like I was still traveling in the States. I kept thinking that before long, it was going to be time to move on to another State and another group of precious friends. But over time, this feeling of constant transition faded, and it became home again.
We found a new house to move into at the end of October. We started making new connections and strengthening old ones. One opportunity that I had this year was the opportunity to be Santa. Firstly, I never knew how tired you could be just being Jolly Ol’ St. Nick. But the second thing that came out of this was the sheer joy of watching God bring new people into my life through this opportunity. I quickly became known as the Quaker Santa. Out of this came deep and personal conversations with folks who were struggling with life and death, holiday peace and holiday trauma. One man, we will call him Sean, I had only known in a general way before. But through this opportunity, he and I became much closer, and I look forward to walking through some tough and deep issues with him moving forward.
2024 brought incredible memories for us. To see how God restored, encouraged and strengthened us during our time in the States. To see how God moved when we were struggling to raise the last of the financial support to return to Ireland, deepened our faith in incredible ways. To see how God has already deepened relationships in the short time we have been back. To see how God has already begun digging new wells for us to draw from in places we never expected. We are excited to see what 2025 holds.
Please be in prayer for us.
- Firstly, we are starting to disciple a young couple who want to grow in the faith. Please pray for us and them in this journey. As well as for all of our other relationships.
- Secondly, please pray for David as he begins his Masters in Transformational Leadership through the Irish Bible Institute.
- Thirdly, please pray for our health and safety. The last two months have been extremely rough with colds and flus and pulled muscles and fatigue. Pray that God will give us health and strength to do what He has called us to do.
Thank you for being an integral part of our team. We can’t do it without you.
Grace and Peace
David and Tricia