Whew! This summer has been hectic, and that doesn’t seem likely to change anytime soon! Since our last update, I (Jonelle) have taken the kids to visit my brother’s family in eastern Washington, where we got to visit two of my brothers and sisters-in-law and nine nieces and nephews. Then we all …
Liddell Family: July 2024 Newsletter
We just got back from the Luke 10 Exploration trip to Eastern Europe… Sickness took down each team member, one at a time. Our rental host served us a homemade Bosnian breakfast. Missionaries told of great need and great difficulty in building trust to start ministry. Bombed-out buildings remain a …
The Liddell Family: June 2024 Update
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement over the last few weeks. It’s been kind of crazy and some logistical issues have come up that needed extra time, but we have been praying that God will direct our path and this trip and we believe that he is answering. One big prayer point was my dad. He …