Dear Prayer Partners, I am currently in Bolivia, participating in a Luke 10 Vision Trip! I would love for your prayer as I travel this month. Please also join me in praying for Jan Cammack who is participating in a Future Missionary Training Trip in Rwanda. Bolivia Trip Purpose of …
Happy New Year from Rwanda!
Dear Prayer Partners, Happy New Year 2022! We hope and pray that you are aware of God’s love and peace around and in you in these days. It is so amazing to spend time focused on God’s gift of Jesus, “God-with-us”!!! The past year has been great in some ways and quite difficult in other ways. But …
January 2021 A. and M. A. Udpate
Bangladesh Newsletter | January 2021 “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord”. Psalm 116:12-13 We have just said "bye bye" to 2020 and welcomed 2021. We can also echo with David “what shall we return to the …