Howellclan Connection: Deputation |
Hello Dear Friends,
Greetings from Wichita, Kansas. We have begun our journey in EFC-MAYM. What an amazing opportunity to meet up with so many that we have known since our college days at Barclay. We have shared at Pratt, Rose Hill, and Glen Elder so far. We even had an opportunity to speak at Barclay Chapel, tour the campus, and celebrate all that God has and is continuing to do through a small bible college in rural Kansas.
Even the journey to Kansas was a lesson on being in tune to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The day we drove in, we were facing 50-60mph gusts that were blowing trucks over. The dry fields were being picked up by the wind and carried over the road to make near-impossible visibility. We came across multiple crashes as a result. On this journey, we were trying to make it to Pratt, KS for dinner with a dear family. But as we drove, I felt a prompting to stop and get a quick bite to eat. So, we did, and we split a meal. As we got back on the road, we came across a long traffic jam. As we got further up the road, it became evident that there was one of the patches with zero visibility. It was so bleak that I couldn’t see the lights from the emergency services vehicles. As a result of this, there was a 15-20 car pile-up. From what we can gather, there were no serious injuries. After we made it through, we stopped at the next exit to fuel up and stretch. The sheriff was in the next bay over, and I started to talk to him. From what I can deduct from his information, if we hadn’t stopped when I felt prompted to, we would have been in the thick of it all. God is very good.
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We have a busy time ahead of us as we leave this week for Colorado for a short time and then back to Kansas. We will be speaking at Colorado Springs, Denver, Willow Creek, Alva, and Northridge Women’s Missionary Fellowship coming up. As well as trying to meet up with as many of you as we can in the midweeks.
Please continue to pray for us as we endeavor to reach our fully funded goal. It is going slower than we would anticipate and we really need prayer in this. Pray for people to step up in ways that even they didn’t know was possible to achieve the goal. Also, please pray for our continued safety as we travel. As well as for strength and endurance for our tired old bones.
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It is truly a blessing to be able to visit and share with each and every one of you about the ministry in Ireland. If we are not able to meet in person, we would love to set up a video conference with you in whatever format works best for you. Please, reach out and we will set it up.
Thank you again for partnering and walking this journey with us. We are truly blessed to have you as teammates.
Grace and Peace,
David and Tricia
We currently have 937 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 1,100. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 81% of our ongoing monthly need. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Ireland.
Thank you for supporting us through prayer and financial giving. We need and appreciate both so that we can reach 100% in both areas before heading back to Ireland.
There are four ways you can partner with us: