Samson y Priscilla Retnaraj | Sirviendo en Nepal A medida que el año llega a su fin y estamos casi en la semana de Navidad, nuestros corazones están rebosantes de alabanza a nuestro Señor Dios, y estamos muy agradecidos de aprovechar la oportunidad para saludar a nuestros amigos, a los que nos …
January 2025 Prayer Letter
Samson and Priscilla Retnaraj | Serving in Nepal As the year comes to an end and we are almost into the Christmas week, our hearts are brimming with praise to our Lord God, and we’re so grateful to make use of the opportunity to greet our friends, supporters, and family on the occasion of …
Retnaraj Deputation Update #4
We are glad and grateful to God for some time here in Newberg again in the latter part of April for a week so that we could be with our son Prateek who graduated from George Fox University with Psychology as his major subject. It was a proud moment for all of us and we were so glad that we could …