Dear Friends, “When you enter a town and are welcome, eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you'." Luke 10:8-9 As a way to praise the Lord for a successful Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Ecuador, I would like to share with all of …
Maria Giron
Actualización de Mayo de Girón
Estimados Amigos, Recientemente, Edwin y yo regresamos de liderar el primer viaje de la iniciativa EFM Lucas 10, que se llevó a cabo del 19 al 29 de abril a tres estados de México donde el porcentaje de cristianos evangélicos de su población es inferior al 5%. Este viaje de exploración Lukas 10 a …
Giron May Update
Dear Friends and Partners, Edwin and I recently returned from leading the first Luke 10 Exploration Trip, which took place from April 19 to 29 in three states in Mexico where the percentage of Evangelical Christians in their population is less than five percent. This Luke 10 Exploration Trip to …