The second trip of the second round of Luke 10 Exploration Trips went out from June 5- August 2 to Ecuador. We had a team of four in Ecuador for two months and they were joined by four others who stayed for a shorter period. Ten exploration teams made trips to ten different destinations and …
Pray for the Second Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Ecuador!
We are now sending the second wave of exploration trips to potential new mission fields to discern where EFM and partner yearly meetings will make decisions for launching new fields, based on EFM's CAN GO Criteria. The next National EFM Luke 10 Think Tank convenes in November 2023 with plans to …
Carta de Oración Julio 2022
Como una forma de alabar al Señor por un viaje exitoso de exploración Lucas 10 a Ecuador, me gustaría compartir con todos ustedes un vistazo a nuestras muchas experiencias aventureras durante nuestro tiempo en la hermosa selva amazónica de Ecuador. En primer lugar, me gustaría expresar nuestra …