In many places around the world there is a rise in the number of COVID-19-related infections and deaths. As you already know, this not only impacts health but also finances. The restrictions that are enforced, like lock downs, affect peoples’ ability to work. Some have lost their jobs …
COVID-19 Update
EFM’s monthly prayer letter for May is ready for release. In this issue twelve of our missionaries and national leaders share both praises and prayer concerns related to the countries in which they serve. Most of what they share relates to how the spread of COVID-19 is impacting their lives, …
Anuncio a la Circunscripción de EFM con Respecto a la Ayuda de Emergencia
Como podrás imaginar, hemos estado al tanto de las noticias mundiales a diario para ver cómo la propagación de COVID-19 está afectando a los países donde están sirviendo nuestros misioneros de EFM. Esto juntamente con las noticias que estamos recibiendo directamente de nuestros misioneros y líderes …