Dear Friends, Thank you for praying for our Easter services. My heart was troubled as Easter was approaching. Everything was shut down because of COVID-19. I thought only three or four Hindus might accept Christ. I had told all my pastors and leaders not to go evangelizing before …
b. and d. a.
EFM COVID-19 Updates | Pray for Nepal
Evangelical Friends’ first introduction to Nepal was through Ezra and Frances DeVol (from Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region) who served in a hospital in Kathmandu under the United Mission to Nepal in 1959 and 1963-1966. Then, in 1994, EFM began supporting two missionary families who, …
January 2019 Prayer Letter
No Holiday at Christmas in Nepal HAPPY NEW YEAR! May God's blessings abound to you in the year 2019. Christmas News: No Holiday---Yet rejoicing! The government of Nepal didn't give a one-day holiday for Christmas in Nepal. We were sad. Hindus burned Bibles on Christmas Day in Nepal. We …