“And he said to them, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
Luke 10:2 ESV
Dear Prayer Partners,
Future Missionary Retreat in Aguascalientes
The first retreat for Future Missionaries in Latin America was held from August 7 to 11 with an attendance of 25 young people from the different Friends Churches of Mexico and from Kansas, United States. Most were between the ages of 16 and 30. It was such a special and exciting time. These young people had the opportunity to meet and have fellowship for four days in a single house to be focused on exploring a possible call to be future missionaries or Church planters. During these days, potential future missionaries had the opportunity to listen to speakers with experience in missions such as our EFM Field Director, Dan Cammack, and former missionaries Duane and Lois Davis, among other excellent speakers that God used to impact the hearts of those who were present. These days were of intense learning, prayer, praise, paying attention to God’s call to each one of them, and expanding their vision to the need that still exists to reach the third of the world that does not yet know about Jesus.
These potential future missionaries also had opportunities to sense the spiritual need through service and evangelization in the city’s downtown. It was beautiful to see how young people with gifts of music gathered from different churches and an incredible praise group was formed that guided us in worship through music.
At the end of the retreat, several of these young people were given the opportunity to talk about what they experienced individually, and each of the testimonies was one of hope since the majority are willing and determined to go wherever God wants to send them.
Pastor Samuel Vásquez-Superintendent of the Northern Yearly Meeting, who was one of our mentors, testified that he can see that what has been sown for a long time in the churches of Mexico, now shows fruit through these young people, and now is the time in which God is pouring out his spirit on them so that they are the ones who reach those who remain unreached. This is the time, he emphasized!
Thanks to all of you who were praying for this retreat, God certainly let his spirit be felt moving among us. We give all the honor and glory to God for allowing this event to unfold in a way that only he could have done it.
Special thanks to all the guest speakers and mentors who accepted the invitation to come and be part of this historic event: Ernesto Ramirez- Superintendent of Mexico Yearly Meeting-Central, Samuel and Cristina Vasquez- Superintendent Mexico Yearly Meeting-North, Sergio and Luisa Ayala- Pastors in Coahuila, Dan Cammack- EFM Field Director, Duane and Lois Davis- Former Missionaries, Cinthia Gonzales- Missions in India, and Edwin Isaac Giron- Youth Mentor.
Edwin and I are grateful that God continues to give us the opportunity to develop this mobilization ministry that is a great way to recruit, train, and send others. Doors of opportunity continue to open, such as invitations to churches and Yearly Meetings to speak and motivate others to collaborate in missions and in starting new Friends ministries.
In the months of August and September, we have been able to visit some Friends congregations in Mexico to continue collaborating in the development of the Vision Mexico 32 planting project. We trust in God that next year we will be able to send two new families or individuals to start new ministries in those states of Mexico where Friends are not yet present.
Last week in September, Edwin and I were invited to be speakers at the Barclay College’s Missions Conference in Haviland, Kansas. Although there are times when we do not feel capable of doing certain things, like sharing at a college student level, God knows our capability, and he manifests himself so that his gospel may be known to all corners of the earth.
Please Pray…
- For the Annual Hispanic Friends Conference– AMANA, which will take place the second week in October in Pomona, California. Pray that once again, this event will be a blessing and edification to all who may be present. This conference is always a great opportunity to have a fraternity time that recharges hearts with encouragement.
- For the trips that Edwin and I will be making the rest of the year. Some of these trips will be to Mexico to continue collaborating with the Friends Yearly Meetings in Mexico in the development of their VM32 church planting project. Please pray for our safety and wisdom and to keep us encouraged and healthy to continue with the tasks that God has entrusted to us.
- That God would continue to use us to recruit, train, and send many more to his fields ready for harvest. Please pray for the funding needed to reach 100% of financial support for this ministry.
Serving him,
Maria Giron
EFM Missions Mobilizer