Howellclan Connection: Deputation |
Greetings dear friends,
Firstly, I would like to say what a blessing it is to be able to visit so many of your churches and groups in the Northwest Yearly Meeting so far. I am reminded every time of your love, compassion, and faithfulness to missions and to fulfilling the Great Commission around the world. What a joy to hear your love for the people of Ireland. You have enriched our souls.
We look forward to sharing with folks in Newberg, Friendsview, Margaret Fell Women’s Group, and Peninsula Evangelical Friends Church to name a few of the stops over the coming weeks.
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One personal highlight over the last month was the ability to celebrate with Moriah on her 21st birthday. We were able to spend a bit of time in the snowy mountains and have her surrounded by family for a giant pizza celebration. What a joy to spend that time with her.
Tricia has flown back to Ireland for a few weeks. She will return to the States on March 14, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. I was talking with her the other day, and she shared with me that she met up with one friend for a short visit and ended up talking for almost five hours. Then met another one of our friends for a short visit and only stayed an hour and a half. Then ran into another friend and only chatted with them for an hour. All total, she left the house at 10:30 and didn’t get back until after 8:00 pm. What a blessing it is to love on our friends and share the love of Jesus. Please continue to pray for our friends in Ireland.
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Thank you for praying and interceding for us. Please continue to pray:
- For strength, endurance, and safety as we spend the next four-plus months on this journey.
- For the financial support to be back up to fully funded before our tentative departure date in July.
- For our family as we are on different continents in different endeavors.
- That this time will be one of deep and significant team building and prepare all of us for the next term together.
Grace and Peace,
The Howell Clan
We currently have 882 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 1,100. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 77% of our ongoing monthly need. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Ireland.
Thank you for supporting us through prayer and financial giving. We need and appreciate both so that we can reach 100% in both areas before heading back to Ireland.
There are four ways you can partner with us: