Edwin and Maria Giron, along with their children, Faviola and Edwin Isaac, joined EFM in 2007 and moved shortly thereafter to Aguascalientes, Mexico, to join church planting efforts that were already underway. During the last decade the Girons have seen a strong church established in Aguascalientes, leaders trained for that church through Mexico Yearly Meeting’s Bible institute, the yearly meeting’s first missions board formed and the first missionary couple, Jaime and Lupita Leon, sent to Sinaloa in the northwest part of Mexico. The Girons have been very much involved in all of these things while constantly reaching out to people who came across their path with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many of those people responded to the Gospel and are now part of the body of Christ. Praise the Lord!
For some time, Edwin and Maria have been sensing that it would be good for the church in Aguascalientes not to have a constant missionary presence so that it can continue to develop under the leadership that has been raised up. When an opportunity arose in Yorba Linda, California, to join the pastoral staff of the Hispanic congregation called “Amigos” (Friends), they felt led to accept the invitation. Their first “official” Sunday is August 4, 2019, and they are already getting settled in the Yorba Linda area. But in taking this step they are not leaving missions behind. Their vision is to mobilize Hispanic Friends for carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ; Friends in Yorba Linda, Mexcio, the United States, and Latin America. They are currently exploring ways to do that in partnership with EFM.
Their current relationship with EFM as full-time missionaries came to an end on July 31 of this year. EFM is encouraging the Giron’s supporters to continue their giving through November of this year so that we can provide the Girons with a “love gift” which will help them cover the costs of getting settled in the United States. Those of us who have served as missionaries know how expensive it is to settle in the U.S. and the extra financial help is deeply appreciated. Furthermore, ongoing giving until November helps to cover the ministry expenses in Aguascalientes that EFM committed to for 2019.
If you are not a regular financial supporter of the Girons but would like to be part of this “love gift,” you can contribute to it by:
- Donating online here
- Donating by credit card over the phone at 303-421-8100
- Mailing a check marked with Giron designation to EFM, PO Box 771139, Wichita KS 67277
Please stay tuned for further news on how EFM and the Girons might partner together to mobilize Hispanic Friends for missions. We should know no later than November of this year what that partnership will look like. It is very likely that the partnership will require some level of financial support, and many of you may want to be a part of that. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in the conversations that are happening.
Finally, here is a note from Edwin and Maria for you: Our hearts are immensely grateful. We praise the Lord for the experiences we have lived all these years of ministry in Mexico. We are thankful to have been able to witness the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, grateful for the extreme and integral care we received from our beloved EFM family, and grateful to each of you our dear partners for lifting us up constantly with your precious prayers and support so that we could carry out the tasks and overcome all the challenges of ministry in Mexico during these 11 years. We are deeply grateful that God is allowing us to complete this chapter of our life and our ministry with much grace, blessings, and peace.
We are looking forward to seeing the ways in which God will allow us in the near future to remain connected with missions through EFM. We pray that God continues to bless the generous heart of each one of you.