If you are looking to give to the Five Year Goal, please visit here.
If you are looking to donate to a Luke 10 Exploration Trip, please visit here. Make sure to select Project | EFM Luke 10 Initiative | Luke 10 Exploration Trips in the drop-down and add who the donation is for in the comments.
To give to an EFM Disciple-Making Apprentice, click here.
To give to Whole-Life Discipleship Training, click here.
Our God is generous.
When we give our time, money, and resources we echo the generosity of God.
The resources God entrusts to you, and that you entrust to Evangelical Friends Mission, are carefully used to further our purpose.
Donations to EFM Strategic Foundations, formerly known as General Ministries, supports the work of EFM in three ways: 1) emerging missionary and leadership development, 2) missionary care and support, and 3) unifying the body of Evangelical Friends Church North America (EFC-NA) around the Great Commission.
EFM is committed to protecting your confidentiality and data security. We have selected Classy Pay as our processor. Classy Pay is compliant with
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards and uses advanced security solutions that protect sensitive data and reduce the risk of fraud.
Our commitment to you is that all donations to EFM are used as designated. Once a ministry is fully funded, we follow policy to use funds for the next closest ministry need. 100% of every gift to EFM goes into the project or missionary fund to which it is given.