Luke 10 Exploration Trip: A Report from Mexico The first of ten Luke 10 Exploration Trips in 2022 went out last month (April 19-29) with a team of 15 to three states in Mexico! Thank you for praying for this team and EFM's Luke 10 Initiative as Evangelical Friends discern where to launch …
Luke 10 Initiative
Giron May Update
Dear Friends and Partners, Edwin and I recently returned from leading the first Luke 10 Exploration Trip, which took place from April 19 to 29 in three states in Mexico where the percentage of Evangelical Christians in their population is less than five percent. This Luke 10 Exploration Trip to …
Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Mexico- How You Can be Praying
Friends, The first of ten Luke 10 Exploration Trips in 2022 will be going out this week, from April 19-29, with a team of 15 to three states in Mexico! Thank you for praying for EFM's Luke 10 Initiative as Evangelical Friends discern where to launch new mission fields as part of EFM's five-year …