There are three different types of Luke 10 Trips that EFM currently offers. Learn about each one and apply below!
What is a Pre-Launch Planning Trip?Apply Here!A Luke 10 Pre-Launch Planning Trip occurs after EFM has made a decision of commitment to launching the mission field. EFM commissions Field Study Groups to complete a Pre-Launch Planning Report, which often requires further trips to obtain the details necessary for EFM to be able to deploy missionaries to a location to launch a new field. Upcoming Planning Trips
What is a 10:2 Prayer Team?Apply Here!These are annual trips to the mission fields that EFM is committed to sending missionaries to, as part of the essential benchmarks for 2024-2028 that EFM has set in the pre-launch and early-launch stages for each field. Teams are asked to pray for the soil and pray Luke 10:2 for the workers. Teams will coordinate with the sponsoring regions/yearly meetings of the new EFM fields, and with the Luke 10 Exploration Trip leaders who completed discernment after trips in 2023 and 2023. 10:2 Prayer Trips will target appropriate communities for prayer walking and interceding that “the Kingdom come, and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven” in those places. Upcoming Prayer Trips
What is an Exploration Trip?Los viajes de exploración de Lucas 10 tienen lugar cuando los equipos que incluyen los cuatro tipos de participantes viajan juntos a un lugar en el que los Amigos están explorando la posibilidad de iniciar un nuevo campo misionero. Estos equipos se inspiran en Lucas 10 y usan Criterios CAN GO de EFM para evaluar las experiencias que están teniendo en el viaje. Este mismo criterio se usa cuando regresan a casa e informan a los Think Tanks de Luke 10, determinando si este sitio potencial está "aprobado" o “desaprobado” con respecto a una mayor exploración o a la iniciación de un nuevo campo misionero en el lugar visitado. Upcoming Exploration Trips