Kathi Perry | Serving in Ireland In October I began communicating with the women here using a blog. Here is an excerpt from a recent post… you can see more here: https://kathiinireland.com. One of the darkly comical notes for 2020 is that in January I had been considering a “word of …
Actualizaciones de EFM COVID-19 | Orar por Irlanda
Kathi Perry ha estado sirviendo en Irlanda con EFM desde 2001. Ella y sus compañeros de equipo, David, Tricia, Jonathan y Moriah Howell han estado construyendo relaciones en las comunidades donde viven (al sur de Dublín a lo largo de la costa este). Es en gran medida un ministerio de tipo …
November 2019 Prayer Letter
“That was awesome ladies! Thanks so much for a wonderful afternoon…” “Thank you all for this afternoon, the girls loved it. They were asking if they could come back next week!” “Thanks so much. I really enjoyed that meeting with you all… for me it was a lovely time to worship with my kids… to …