Kathi Perry | Serving in Ireland |
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In October I began communicating with the women here using a blog. Here is an excerpt from a recent post… you can see more here: https://kathiinireland.com.
One of the darkly comical notes for 2020 is that in January I had been considering a “word of the year.” I chose “gather.”
A couple nights ago An Taoiseach announced that these current level 5 restrictions will be extended at least until the end of February (and now longer!) … This means we cannot gather in the usual ways.
It means homeschooling, and a 5 km limit when we venture out. It means no visits or visitors, and essential journeys only.
For some it means they will NEVER be alone. For me it means, a giant leap forward into my future as the cat lady who wears the same clothes every day and shuffles around the garden in my “good outdoor slippers”…
So what has “gather” meant to me in 2020?
“Gather” is the wonderful people who check on me during the week. It means afternoons in the garden when the sun was shining, and a friend dropping by. “Gather” is conversations in the driveway, 2 meters apart, while my 6 year-old friend veers near me and then away – wishing we could hug.
It has meant Bible story recordings and my very own YouTube account.
“Gather” was a wonderful, cold, sunny Christmas morning at a picnic table, sharing Christmas cake, chocolates, and sausage rolls.
And it is the slightly motion sick feeling that comes when a three year old carries the phone around his house and shows me all of his toys.
“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts…” Acts 2:46
As I write, it becomes clear to me that this year “gather” is MORE about the “glad and sincere hearts” than it is about being “in their homes… together.”
Thank you for praying for me and for Ireland.