Howellclan Connection: Happy 2025 Dear Friends, The beginning of a new year allows time to pause and reflect on the year that was. I have been doing just that over the last couple of weeks. The year for us was split into two halves. It began with our time with you in the States. Then, it ended …
Carta de Oración Octubre 2024
La Familia Howell / Sirviendo en Irlanda “Por favor oren por…” Como personas que estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ser discípulos de Jesús y caminar junto a nuestros amigos en su propio camino de fe, estas tres simples palabras son algunas de las palabras más poderosas que podemos …
Howellclan Connection: October 2024 Newsletter
A couple weeks ago, I got a text from an acting buddy of mine. The text read, “Thought you might be interested in this. 😊”. The pictures attached were of Quaker famine pots. These were used to feed hundreds of people during the Irish potato famine and kept countless people alive. “The humble famine …