An Introductory Note From Our Executive Director, Stan Leach
“On behalf of all EFM, I express our gratitude for your support for the Howells. God, through you, has provided for David and Tricia in every way. We celebrate that they are fully funded, and can now return to Ireland with great expectation that their very best days of ministry lie ahead. Thank you!” |
In late December of 2023, we arrived for our deputation. We were excited to visit with you and as many of your churches as we could. What an amazing journey it has been. We have calculated that we have put approximately 18,000 miles on the mission car and another 1,500 miles on the other cars that we have driven so far. We are utterly exhausted but exhilarated at the same time. We have been blessed to share our hearts with you. And you have truly blessed us by sharing yours with us. In our travels, Trish and I have constantly talked about you all. Things like your smiles, your hugs, your encouragement, your questions, your support, your love, your graciousness, and your heart for the Irish and for your own communities, to name a few things. We have come away with an even deeper love and appreciation for you, our partners and teammates.
This last term took a deep toll on us and our family. We came back wounded and in need of restoration. EFM set out an action plan to take the needed steps to help us recover spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. As we have worked through this plan, you have been an integral part of every step. We have felt the caverns in our soul being filled and strengthened. We have felt the heavy burdens lifted and replaced with hope. We have felt your love and support flow over us and run down our faces. We are restored.
Thank you!! For those of you who have partnered with us from the very beginning 20 years ago, thank you. For those of you who we have met along the way and partnered with us before we arrived in Ireland, thank you. For those of you who we have met on our first few deputations and partnered with us, thank you. For those of you who we have met on this deputation and partnered with us, thank you. We could not and cannot do this without each one of you. We love you all. Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. What an awesome blessing to call you friends.
As we arrive home in the coming weeks, please pray. Please pray as we resettle and reconnect with our friends. Pray that God may break through in a new and powerful way. In ways that will amaze us and make clear that only God could do it. Please pray as we begin to look for a new house. One with a big kitchen and dining room for the thousand cups of coffee. We would prefer to be in the same area, but we want to be faithful to go where God would have us. Please pray that God’s love for each one of us, Moriah, Jonathan, Tricia, and David, will be overflowing and overwhelming as we enter this new term.
God is on the move. Thank you for your part in it. May God richly bless each one of you, give you grace and peace, and give you a voice to share the good news of Jesus Christ in your own communities. As you meet your friends for one of your 1,000 cups of coffee, may God breakthrough in your obedience.
We love you all. Please reach out and connect with us regularly. We want to be more present with each of you—our partners, our co-laborers, and our friends.
May the people of Ireland be changed with the power of God’s love.
Grace and Peace,
David, Tricia, Jonathan, and Moriah
We currently have 1,042 prayer partners and still have a goal of raising it to 1,100. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.