Hello Dear Friends,
We need you now more than ever.
Over the last few weeks, our longing to return home has grown more intense. We have loved sharing with each one of you, but it is time. Recently, I (David) was going through many of my past photos of Ireland. The beautiful scenery, the streets of Wicklow Town, the beauty of everyday moments. Along with those were photos of our friends. Each face holds a story. Each face holds a journey. Each face holds a memory of a specific touch of God.
I was looking at one, in particular, who had a violent past. He had a history of sorrow and anger, of pain and vengeance. I am in tears thinking about the thousand cups of coffee I have had with him. To watch him walk the process of releasing that bondage and become a man of peace and gentleness. To see him come to the realization that he is loved and valued.
In my mind, this scene plays out time and time again with each face. With each story. With each journey. Irish lives were forever changed with the good news of Jesus Christ. Through our partnership, God is on the move.
Our return to Ireland is scheduled for July 9. In order to be on that flight, back to the people of Ireland, we need you. We’re in urgent need of additional dedicated partners to support our mission and ministry with a monthly commitment. Your immediate help is crucial to sustain the Lord’s work we are committed to continuing in Ireland so we can reach those who need Jesus.
As we have shared with you these last five months, many of you have been praying about your role in partnership. Now is the time to respond. We need you. Please prayerfully consider and act to join the financial partnership team, however the Lord leads.
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We have been greatly encouraged and blessed by your support and engagement as we have shared our stories with you in person. You have said time and time again, what a powerful testimony you have heard. We long to share with you more stories in the future. Please prayerfully consider your role in helping us get back on the field in July.
We love you all.
Grace and Peace,
David and Tricia Howell
David and Tricia
We currently have 956 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 1,100. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 73% of our ongoing monthly need. Please note that our funding status has changed since the last update we sent out. After reviewing our support budget, it was determined that our field ministry budget needed to be increased, which increased our funding need total. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Ireland.
Thank you for supporting us through prayer and financial giving. We need and appreciate both so that we can reach 100% in both areas before heading back to Ireland.
There are four ways you can partner with us: