Samson and Priscilla Retnaraj | Serving in Nepal
As the year comes to an end and we are almost into the Christmas week, our hearts are brimming with praise to our Lord God, and we’re so grateful to make use of the opportunity to greet our friends, supporters, and family on the occasion of Christmas and welcome the new year 2025 with joy in our hearts. It started off with a lot of confusion, and many of us in the family were facing illnesses and feeling insecure and lost due to being apart from each other for a couple of years. Our son Prateek also faced some difficult health issues but overcame it all when he finally graduated in April and got a job to pursue his dream of being a counselor. He was amply supported by EFM scholarships and your fervent prayers. We had a grand party to celebrate his graduation with very esteemed people in attendance in Newberg.
For most of the early part of the year, we went on a Sabbatical leave and deputation work in the US. As we returned to our work and responsibilities, we are grateful that we were given another term on extension. Our CHE Trainers worked hard, and two of our workplaces (Chitwan & Rautahat) have started Community Learning Centers, which gave us a legal basis for our CHE work through which house fellowships and ‘committees’ can now be
established in these districts. Gradually, these leaders, with their committees, have taken responsibility for the work in the future and are in the final stages of having a well-equipped Centre physically to help them integrate with the community.
Our CHE Trainer in Aurahi – Mr. Arun Mandal, faced a lot of difficulties initially with the accident in which he almost lost his life, and subsequently, his recovery was slowed because of complications in the healing process physically and mentally. But we are glad to share that it just strengthened his faith in God, and by grace, miraculously, his work grew over the months this year. He underwent surgery again to remove the implants and re-insert a bone plate because the healing was slow.
We look to the new year fearlessly and confident that “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” We are grateful to all of you for so wonderfully showing your love by supporting us through your prayers and care.
Samson & Priscilla Retnaraj
I will Praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to you among the nations….” Psalms 57: 9