By November 2024, EFM had made a commitment to launch seven of the nine fields that were under exploration. Those seven fields are now moving on to the prayer and pre-launch planning phases. See more information aquí.
A 10:2 Prayer Trip is an annual trip to the mission fields where EFM has committed to sending missionaries. Teams are asked to pray for the soil (Matthew 13:1-23) and pray for the workers (Luke 10:2). Teams are sent or guided by sponsoring regions/yearly meetings of the new EFM fields that have been leading exploration. 10:2 Prayer Trips will target appropriate communities for prayer walking and interceding that “the Kingdom come, and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven” in those places.
This next 10:2 Prayer Trip is taking place in Mexico, from January 1-9. The team will be focusing on prayer in Zacatecas and Durango
The team members going on this trip are, from EFC- MAYM, DeWayne Bryan, Todd Follette, Michael Scott, John Bertram, Austin Ackerman, Andrew McClosky, Luke Ballard, Nathan Macy, and Trent Jacks. From Mexico: Ernesto Ramirez (superintendent Mexico YM Central), Elizabeth Gómez (Director of Friends Bible Institute), and Omar Ramírez (Pastor starting a church in Zacatecas).
Team leader Trent Jacks shared the following goals for this trip.
- Encourage the existing church plant in Zacatecas. We will pray for the location, church attenders, and the harvest workers called to this plant. We are praying for clarity in ways that we can serve this group in our short time there. Please pray for relationships that may develop and perhaps a project for this group to work on.
- Explore and pray for a church plant location in Durango. We will pray for the location, church attenders, and the harvest workers called to this plant. We pray that EFM leaders and Mexico Yearly Meeting leaders find clarity and a calling to a specific location in Durango.
- Another goal is that the short-term missionaries find a deeper relationship with Christ and individual purpose for their own lives as well as a greater sense of purpose within their home church.
Please Pray for :
- Harvest workers for these locations.
- That the Holy Spirit will move and prepare the way for a movement in these areas of Mexico.
- New relationships with the Zacatecas Church.
- Safe travels for all.
- For the short-term missionaries as they give of their time, talent and treasure for the glory of God’s work in Mexico.
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to cast out more workers into his fields.