This summer, while Voicu and Ana Marian have been in Ohio, we have been celebrating the 21 years of faithful service that they have given to our Lord in Romania. At the same time the Marians have been wrapping up their missionary service under EFM and making arrangements for retirement. Now they are …
Archives for September 2021
Carta de Oración de Septiembre 2021
Tony y Agi Frei | Sirviendo en Hungría A pesar de la pandemia de COVID-19, Dios le dio muchas bendiciones a nuestra iglesia. Hubo muchas dificultades, restricciones y cierres de iglesias, pero nuestro Dios siempre estuvo con nosotros como prometió: "Nunca te dejaré, nunca te desampararé". (Hebreos …
A Story of Transformation from Bangladesh
Did you know that every single donation and prayer makes a difference for our missionaries and those they are helping? Our goal is to ignite hope one relationship at a time. The following story is shared by our Friends in Bangladesh and shows how one relationship was changed from your …