Kathi Perry | Serving in Ireland In October I began communicating with the women here using a blog. Here is an excerpt from a recent post… you can see more here: https://kathiinireland.com. One of the darkly comical notes for 2020 is that in January I had been considering a “word of …
Archives for February 2021
Carta de Oración de Febrero 2021
La Familia Retnaraj | Sirviendo en Nepal “En presencia de Dios y de Cristo Jesús, que ha de venir en su reino y que juzgara a los vivos y a los muertos, te doy este solemne encargo: Predica la Palabra; persiste en hacerlo, sea o no sea oportuno; corrige, reprende y anima con mucha paciencia, sin …
January 2021 A. and M. A. Udpate
Bangladesh Newsletter | January 2021 “What shall I return to the Lord for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord”. Psalm 116:12-13 We have just said "bye bye" to 2020 and welcomed 2021. We can also echo with David “what shall we return to the …