La Familia Howell / Sirviendo en Irlanda “Por favor oren por…” Como personas que estamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para ser discípulos de Jesús y caminar junto a nuestros amigos en su propio camino de fe, estas tres simples palabras son algunas de las palabras más poderosas que podemos …
Howellclan Connection: October 2024 Newsletter
A couple weeks ago, I got a text from an acting buddy of mine. The text read, “Thought you might be interested in this. 😊”. The pictures attached were of Quaker famine pots. These were used to feed hundreds of people during the Irish potato famine and kept countless people alive. “The humble famine …
Howell Clan Connection: We Are Home!
Howellclan Connection: Deputation: We Are Home! Dear Friends, We are home. We flew out of San Francisco on August 5 and arrived in Dublin on August 6. It was a surreal last couple of weeks in the States with a bout of COVID-19 and trying to get all the final details sorted before flying out, …