If you feel that God is asking you to consider being one who goes and tells, our EFM staff would like to talk to you! Let us help you explore the possibilities of how we can partner together to make Jesus known throughout the world! To start the conversation, please contact Matt Macy, Director of Mobilization, or download Pathway to Becoming a Missionary below.
EFM’s Five-Year Goal is to send 10 MISSIONARY HOUSEHOLDS to launch 5 NEW MISSION FIELDS in the next 5 YEARS.
How will EFM determine where the five new fields will be started? Primarily through the Luke 10 Initiative. EFM depends on the regions/yearly meetings, churches, and individuals that EFM serves as their missions’ agency to engage in this discernment process. The Luke 10 Initiative requires cuatro tipos de participantes who gather for Grupos de Expertos Think Thanks Lucas 10 and discern, based on EFM’s CAN GO criteria, what locations and people groups to visit via exploratory teams called Luke 10 Trips. Out of these trips will come recommendations to the EFM Board about where to launch new fields. To learn more visit aquí. How do you know if God is calling you to serve him overseas? You can start a process of discernment by completing our Missionary Interest Form. Other steps in the process can include things like a short-term field experience or a Future-Missionary Trip to an EFM field with an EFM missionary.