EFM tiene una familia en Bangladesh que ha estado haciendo discípulos y plantando iglesias desde 2005. Por razones de seguridad en comunicaciones como esta nos referimos a ellos como A. y M. A. Así es como esta familia respondió las preguntas que envié a nuestros misioneros: ¿Cómo está …
a. and m. a.
EFM COVID-19 Updates | Pray for Bangladesh
EFM has a family in Bangladesh that has been making disciples and planting churches since 2005. We refer to them as A. and M. A. in communication like this for security reasons. Here is how this family answered the questions I sent to our missionaries: How is COVID-19 affecting those who live …
April 2019 Prayer Letter
Her name was Mafuza Begam. She was born and brought up in a Muslim family. She was very devoted to Allah and kept all religious activities seriously. She used to pray five times a day at home and tried not to miss any Islamic assembly nearby. She always used a vail if she needed to go outside her …