Did you know that every single donation and prayer makes a difference for our missionaries and those they are helping? Our goal is to ignite hope one relationship at a time. The following story is shared by our Friends in Rwanda and shows how a life was impacted by your …
Archivos para febrero 2023
Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Northern India: How You Can Be Praying
The ninth Luke 10 Exploration Trip and the first trip of 2023 is departing on Monday, February 20! EFM has been planning ten Luke 10 Exploration Trips to ten different country/people group destinations as EFM discerns where new mission fields will be launched as part of EFM's Five-Year Goal! …
Sward Family February 2023 Newsletter
In many ways 2023 feels like the start of a new season of ministry. Here are a few new things for us… New Video In December we joined EFM at the Missionary Worldwide Gathering in Thailand. While there, we updated our ministry video and are excited to share it with you! …