This last month has been a transformative one, and it has also been a difficult one. Several weeks ago, one of my co-apprentices was injured in a bicycle accident and had to be sent home early, and the other has decided to take a temporary break from full-time ministry. Currently, I am now the only …
Erik Nilsen Apprenticeship Update: May 2024
Dear friends and family, As the semester crescendos toward finals, so has our activity at CSUF. Lately, we have been collaborating with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) for student outreach and campus prayer walks. One approach that has generated a lot of fun interactions is setting …
Garry Norton Apprenticeship Update: April 2024
Greetings Friends! I hope that your Easter was absolutely fantastic! A friend at my church decided to bring her rabbit, Lily, to church that day. It was fantastic Things have really been picking up this month. This week we started training Christian groups on the CSUF campus on how to make …