Philippine Evangelical Friends International Ministries (PEFIM) Update
EFM Director Pastor Dan Cammack Visits PEFIM
We were blessed to be visited by beloved Pastor Dan Cammack last December 2019. He joined Pastor Cris in visiting PEFIM churches in Calbayog, Samar. His presence and support has been a great encouragement to PEFIM National Director and Board of Elders.
Bible Month Celebration
The month of January has been designated as National Bible Month in the Philippines with the last week being designated as National Bible Week. PEFIM organized an event sponsored by Friends Evangelical Accelerated School of Theology (FEAST) and participated by PEFIM churches and students of FEAST. The event includes Creative Psalm Reading, Chorale Reading, Bible Quiz Bee, and Preaching Battle. It was a very lively and meaningful time of celebrating the powerful and unchanging word of God!
2020 Leadership Conference
Pastors and leaders from PEFIM churches gathered for the annual conference, which was a time for worshipping the Lord together, equipping, ministry updates, fellowship, and relaxation. This year’s theme was Rest To Endure: Entering God’s Rest Through Jesus Produces Faithful Endurance – Hebrews 10:19-39. During this conference, two Pastors were ordained – one from Community of Hope Friends Church in Antipolo and the other from Sicud Evangelical Friends Church in Palawan.
Helping Others During COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 situation left poor sectors of the community unprepared even in providing their daily meals as most heads of the families were not able to work and earn during the quarantine. The Community of Hope Friends Church in Antipolo gave out relief goods for families in their community. We are also grateful to be used as channel of blessings by a donor-friend who provided cash assistance to seven families and three single individuals in Pasig, as well as to a group of Bible school students in Calbayog, Samar.