Did you know that every single donation and prayer makes a difference for our missionaries and those they are helping? Our goal is to ignite hope one relationship at a time.The following story is shared by our Friends in Nepal and shows how a life was impacted by your support!
P* was a Hindu from an impoverished family. The society around him did not treat him well since he was poor, which disgruntled him. One day, he heard the gospel from local leaders. The message was about how Jesus loved all equally. This message drew him in and he wanted to hear more. Eventually, the full gospel was presented to him and he accepted Christ as his savior. The villagers and his family didn’t like that and began to come against him. They persecuted him and his family cut him out of his inheritance. Soon he had to move to a new citywhere there was aFriends church. He felt called to ministry and the local leaders started training him. Now, P* is one of the best leaders in that church. He has brought many Hindus to the Lord and helped establish many churches. He has also trained and raised other leaders.
If you would like to help make a difference in the lives of people like L*, here’s how: