Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am writing you about our ministry with joy and gratefulness to the Lord and to you. Your prayers and financial help are a big help to continue our ministry. Thank you very much.
I am thankful to all the people who have already extended their financial help for our ministry. I met you in person when I was on deputation in 2023. My experience was so good and exciting that I still remember those days. I cannot forget you. I ask you to continue to pray for us and our ministry. I also pray for you. God bless you all.
I am writing about our ministry so that you can pray specifically for our ministry. At present, we have nineteen churches and around fifty-eight house churches. We have five tutorial centers. Fifteen of our leaders and people are doing business to be self-supported. Praise the Lord.
New churches – We could start three new churches in North 24 Parganas. One is Indrapuri Friends Church. Our evangelists Suvankar Halder and his wife Priyanka Halder are taking care of the church. The other church is Nababgunj Friends Church. Pastor Chandan Mondal of Shyamnagar Friends Church is looking after the church. The third one is Sheorafully Friends Church. Pastor Tapan Nandi is looking after that church.
![]() Sheorafuly Friends Church |
![]() Nababgunju Friends Church |
![]() Indrapuri Friends Church |
Bible Schools – We could start two Bible schools in this year. One is Friends Bible School, Mankundu, Hooghly. Pastor Tapan Nandi started this school to equip the young members of his church. His vision is to use these graduates in eight house churches he has. In the same way, Pastor Chandan Mondal of Shyamnagar Friends Church started another Bible School named Friends Bible School Shyamnagar. His vision is also to prepare the young boys and girls with the word of God. He also hopes for the students to join in his churches and house churches.
Both Bible schools follow a common curriculum in their Bible schools.
![]() Bhadreswar Friends Bible School
![]() Shyamnagar Friends Bible School |
Jiban Tari (The correspondence Bible course) – This Bible course is for school-going students. It has five steps. Pastors are responsible for the distribution of the course. Now the number of students is more and we need to take the help of Pastor Tapan Nandi for the smooth running of the course.
Suman Paswan – Suman is a young man of Kolkata Friends Church. He has a boy and a daughter. He is working as a builder. He has time and passion for the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church has decided to send him an evening Bible school so that he will be able to help the church and the pastor. Please pray for him.
India’s situation is going to be worse. It seems that the same Prime Minister and his party will be in charge for another five years. If that is so then the Christians will face a more difficult situation. Please pray for India.
Please pray especially for R.C and O. M. P. They are working in the state of Uttarakhand. The rate of persecution is very high there. They work secretly. They need our prayers.
Once again, I am thankful to each one of you. Please pray for me, I am going to Bhutan to see the believers there. They are also in a difficult situation.
Thank you,
D.K. and Choity Sarkar