We are glad and grateful to God for some time here in Newberg again in the latter part of April for a week so that we could be with our son Prateek who graduated from George Fox University with Psychology as his major subject. It was a proud moment for all of us and we were so glad that we could have some of our EFM leaders (past and present), with us to share in this moment of joy.
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Before we embarked on the next leg of our deputation, we first visited West Chehalem Friends Church in the Newberg area of Oregon on Sunday, April 28, and presented an update of our CHE ministry in Nepal to the church. From there we flew on April 29 to Wabash, Indiana to be with our friends and supporters there for a week-long time of sharing and presentations, sometimes three times a day with different groups and being introduced to the Pastorate committee as well as other lay leaders of the church. We were so glad that we were invited to a meeting of the IYM (Indiana Yearly Meeting) leaders at Wabash. A very significant meeting was held with Tim Albright who oversees the Small Business Development training and activities for Global Disciples. We also had the opportunity to visit White’s institution which was started by Josiah White for juvenile boys and girls with behavioral issues and substance abuse. Students here are provided support, and also a high school education and correction in a very Christian atmosphere. Josiah White was a Quaker businessman from Pennsylvania himself, who worked through trial and hardship, amassing significant wealth through successfully revolutionizing the canal and coal industries. With his success, he desired to leave a legacy of helping others. In his will, he left funds to purchase what is now Josiah White’s property in Wabash, Indiana to begin serving “the most deserted of children.”
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After the Sunday worship service at Wabash Friends Church, where we presented a brief report about our CHE and Small Business training activities, we left for an evening gathering of Friends at Farmland Friends Church in Indiana and met with Pastor Keith and Kevin Barcus. This was our first visit to this Friends church in Indiana.
We then departed to visit Hughesville Friends church in Pennsylvania. This was also our first visit to this community, and they are an important community of Friends in EFC-ER led by Pastor Dan Hale. A standout of this trip was our visit to the local public school at the request of the school administration to talk about Nepal and our work as missionaries to 14 and 15 year old school kids (7th and 8th graders) for five hours during their official school hours for a geography class. Also, very significant during this visit was our interaction with their Missions committee and the opportunity to introduce our CHE ministry in Nepal to them.
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From Pennsylvania, we flew to Wichita, Kansas, and gave an update about CHE at Bethel Friends Church Hugoton for a Sunday worship service. They have been providing very strong support for our CHE ministry for many years. I also got the opportunity to visit the Pastoral team of Northridge Friends Church in Wichita on the evening of May 10 (Friday) and presented our strategy for the next few years to the leaders of this church. During our stay in Kansas, we enjoyed the hospitality shown by Dr. Kevin Hoppock and Matt Macy and spent some rare moments of relaxation with their families.
We next moved to Phoenix, Arizona where we participated in the International Wholistic Missions conference organized by Global CHE Network from May 13-17. Priscilla could also attend the Women’s Cycle of Life pre-conference and I had the opportunity to attend the Transform Poverty workshop, much of which we were already practicing in our CHE ministry in Nepal in some communities. Many leaders from developing countries of Africa and Asia (where CHE is used as a simple tool for church planting) participated and shared their experiences and discussions were held on being a part of a “Million Village Challenge” all over the world.
We were physically and mentally tired after our extensive travels for meetings as well as presentations. We finally went on Friday, May 17 to Hanover Friends Church in Mechanicsville Virginia of the EFC-ER and again enjoyed sharing about our CHE ministry with their Missions Committee and spoke to the church on Sunday during worship service which culminated with a potluck lunch being served. The same day we left for Portland and Newberg and are now in Newberg preparing for our long journey back to Nepal and India planned for May 23.
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We are so grateful to all the churches and Missions committees for patiently hearing and being updated about our CHE Ministry in Nepal. Many individuals reached out to us with questions, and suggestions and prayed for us while we traveled to their communities. We are also grateful to EFM officers and administrative staff who went to great lengths to ensure that our logistical support for travels, visits, and meetings went well. We were also grateful for the EFM car provided so that we could get to many places during our sabbatical leave, in January and February 2024, and subsequently for our deputation work with churches in various yearly meetings. We were provided with ample amounts of material like prayer cards, thank you cards, and other EFM stationary materials needed for our visits. We have been overwhelmed by the loving support we received from Jan Cammack by providing us with a place in Newberg, Oregon to use as a base, and for the many trips she made to Portland airport and some other places in Oregon ferrying us in and out for our “missions”. She got a taste of India as we stayed for so long in her house and she shared our cooking skills. We thank God for keeping us safe and healthy during this longer visit (almost six months) and making our trip a memorable deputation. To God be all Glory.
Samson & Priscilla Retnaraj
We currently have 1,065 prayer partners and have a goal of raising it to 1,200. If you know anyone who would like to pray for our ministry, please forward this form to them.
We are currently at 92% of our ongoing monthly need. If you are a current monthly supporter, thank you. It is important to let EFM know that you plan to continue or increase your giving. If you are not currently giving, please prayerfully consider supporting our ministry in Nepal. There are four ways to partner with us financially: