Dear Friends,
During the 1980s Ana, and then Voicu, came to the Lord through the ministry of Evangelical Friends in Alliance, Ohio. They were from Romania but living and working in the U.S. at the time. After they gave their lives to Christ they heard him calling them back to the country from which they came. Voicu and Ana, along with their two children, Christina and John, obeyed the Lord’s call and returned to Romania in the year 2000. They settled in the region of Sibiu where the Lord has used them to touch the lives of many, many people over the last twenty plus years. They have sown a lot of Gospel seed and they rejoice every time they see signs that it is bearing fruit.
As you can see from their message below, Voicu and Ana are retiring from missionary service and plan to be in Ohio this summer. We are looking forward to celebrating with them what God has done in and through them. Please hold them in your prayers as they get ready to travel and as they go through this transition called “retirement.” It’s not an easy transition to make, but they are feeling that it is time to do it.
Voicu and Ana, on behalf of EFM I want to thank you for your obedience to the Lord and your faithfulness in the ministry he has given you. There is no doubt in my mind that you will continue to minister wherever you live. You can’t help it! It’s so much a part of who you are. We look forward, along with you, to seeing how the seed you have sown and are sowing will continue to bear fruit.
Dan Cammack
Executive Director of EFM
Here’s the message Voicu and Ana wrote to share with you:
This is to announce our official retirement from our missionary employment with Evangelical Friends. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your partnership of twenty-some years, in taking the message of Christ’s love to the people of Romania, region of Sibiu. Thank you for being close friends and family to us and to our children. Thank you for so faithfully supporting us in prayer and in giving. Thank you for the kind words and embraces whenever we were among you. You’ve encouraged us more than you know in times of trial, and rejoiced with us in victories – and there have been many! We look forward to being in the US (Ohio) soon, and hope to connect with some of you at the EFC-ER Yearly Meeting. We plan on returning to Romania October first. Our desire is to be salt and light, continuing to make Jesus known wherever we are. As far as continuing “to do” ministry, we’ll take one day at a time, and see how the Spirit leads. Love and blessings to you, Voicu and Ana |