If you are someone who is open to the idea of serving as a missionary someday sooner or later, please read on. If you know of someone who you believe should see this message, please forward this to them, and please tell them what you see in them that caused you to forward the message to them!
At EFM, we are learning of a growing number of people interested in missions service (or interested in exploring the idea of missions service) on a long-term basis (4 years to life) or a short-term basis (one to four years). We call people like this, in short: “future missionaries.” To be considered a future missionary in EFM’s context, means you are sincere and committed about following Jesus wherever he would have you go to serve in obeying his commandments, and you are open to exploring the idea of being a missionary to another country and people group.
If you are a future missionary who might be interested in any of these opportunities, please let us know by completing this quick 2021 Future Missionary RSVP and Survey Form so that we can provide you with more information as it becomes available in coming days/weeks and so that we know more about your availability and interest as we plan these and other opportunities.
These four opportunities are designed for anyone of any age and life-stage 16 years and up who are able and willing to explore future missions service.
EFM Future Missionary Retreat |
- Gather with other future missionaries.
- Individual and group conversations with experienced coach-mentor missionary’s.
- Teaching’s on missionary and cross-cultural service that fit whatever level of experience you have.
- Connect with opportunities for future missions service and those who help send missionaries in the Friends Church family.
- Retreat led by Brad and Chelsea Carpenter, missionaries to Rwanda and Central Africa, with EFM Directors Dan Cammack and Matt Macy and several experienced missionaries ready to come alongside and mentor-coach future missionaries for the long-haul in discernment and service.
- Looking at two different date options for end of May or first of June in Colorado. Please provide feedback on the 2021 Future Missionary RSVP and Survey Form.
- Future missionary participants will be asked to cover half of their travel costs. Lodging, meals, and retreat provided by EFM.
EFM Future Missionary Trip | June 30 – July12 |
- Future missionaries going with present and former Friends missionaries to an EFM mission field for a mission trip.
- Matt Macy, along with Edwin and Maria Giron and Brad and Chelsea Carpenter, will be giving leadership to this trip, and other missionaries will be added as needed to have a strong ratio of mentors.
- Serve the churches and groups that are established and join them in ministry experiences.
- Observe ministry work and learn discipling and multiplication methods.
- Receive an introduction to language learning methods, practicing with a personal on-site language helper.
- Experience cultural immersion for part of the trip and enjoy debriefing and learning with both nationals and missionaries.
- June 30 arrive to U.S. city for orientation, July 2 depart for mission field, July 12 return home. Virtual orientation gatherings will be scheduled by video conference call.
- Orientation and field destinations are established, and these details along with costs are “to be announced.”
- Participants will be asked to cover all of their costs, and EFM will provide assistance with a fundraising plan as needed.
EFM Luke 10 Think Tank |
How do Evangelical Friends discern where to launch new mission fields? We do this through EFM’s Luke 10 Initiative. Future missionaries are invited to every Luke 10 Think Tank that meets.
- EFM’s National Luke 10 Think Tank is May 26 at Quaker Ridge in Woodland Park.
- Northwest Yearly Meeting Luke 10 Think Tank is scheduled for March 27 via video conference call.
- EFC Mid America Luke 10 Think Tank is scheduled for April 10 in Wichita, Kansas
- EFC Eastern Region Luke 10 Think Tank is scheduled for April 27 in Canton, Ohio.
- Other Think Tank’s and Luke 10 Trips to be announced.
EFM Future Missionary Cohort |
- Stay connected with other future missionaries and experienced mentor-coaches.
- Connect regularly through virtual video meetings.
- Gain access to online conversation group.
If you are a future missionary who might be interested in any of these opportunities, please let us know by completing this quick 2021 Future Missionary RSVP and Survey Form. Also, we invite any future missionaries to tell us more about your interest in missions on EFM’s Missions Interest Form. Find a basic overview of EFM’s Pathway to Becoming a Missionary at friendsmission.com/go. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this email, or contact matt@friendsmission.com or 316-706-5789, but we will definitely provide more details and registration information for these opportunities to those who complete the 2021 Future Missionary RSVP and Survey Form!