We recently asked our missionaries and the national leaders we work with to be on the lookout for more stories about how God is at work in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. B. and D. A., who minister in Nepal, just sent this story. Let’s praise the Lord with them for one more lost sheep who has been found and pray for many more to follow suit in the weeks to come.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and your faithful support. We truly appreciate it.
The lockdowns in Nepal are very tight. Only vegetable shops and rice shops are open till 11 am. After that people are to stay home all day. Travel is very hard for us. But nothing can stop the Gospel. In spite of this God is moving by his spirit.
To the right is a picture of Bir Bahadur. He was the biggest drunk of his village. He used to beat up his wife when he got drunk. But then his wife heard the Gospel and she accepted Christ. Bir got even more enraged and started abusing his wife even more. He was hearing the Gospel and rejecting it.
Then Bir had some chest pains. During this pandemic it is hard to travel but he came to Kathmandu for a checkup. The doctor told him that he had holes in his heart and he needed surgery. He said he didn’t have money. On his way back the Holy Spirit really convicted him and he started thinking about death. When he landed in the village, to our shock, he told that he was going to die and that he wanted to accept Christ. Our church in that village was overjoyed.
Bir accepted Christ a month ago. He is a totally changed man. He loves his wife and God set him free from alcohol. Halleluiah! Praise the Lord!
The biggest Hindu festival is coming in a month in Nepal. We usually have big evangelistic meetings in 20 different areas. Travel is restricted this time. Please pray that God will give us wisdom how to do the meetings.
Blessings, B. and D. A.
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Also, EFM is still receiving donations to our emergency fund for COVID-19 related relief efforts. If you would like to contribute at this time you can do so by clicking here or using the button below.