As the year 2019 draws to a close and as we ponder on all the activities carried out by our CHE Trainers, we praise and thank God for the way in which all our activities brought out amazing results. This year women came to the forefront in fulfilling the Great Commission through their small but …
September 2018 Prayer Letter
Asha Rai our CHE Trainer says, “The men are slowly changing a lot spiritually. Before we were trained in Women’s Cycle of Life (WCL), our husbands would never allow us to go out of the home alone, even to a meeting at church. They didn’t trust us. Now they say, ‘Today you go to the women’s group. …
Nepal Testimony from Samson Retnaraj
My name is Gorakh Majhi and I am from Chandrapur (Paurai and Rautahat). Many people living here are Majhi and that is why it is called Majhi Tole. I have a beautiful wife and three children, and we received Christ in 2011 at Paurai. A few months after, we went to ‘Dhulikhel’ and started to attend …