We are excited to share about EFM's Business as Mission (BAM) ministry arm and their first Small Business Development (SBD) training experience partnering with Global Disciples. They were just in Mexico from October 17-22. EFM's new BAM team was launched out of a Small Business Development …
Pray for Mexico
Luke 10 Exploration Trip: Mexico Stories
The following are stories and updates shared by the Luke 10 Mexico Team during their time in Mexico! Trip Update #1 Jalisco Summary The last 3 days have been filled with travel and exploration of new communities. While most communities are generally friendly some are far more receptive to …
Luke 10 Exploration Trip to Mexico- How You Can be Praying
Friends, The first of ten Luke 10 Exploration Trips in 2022 will be going out this week, from April 19-29, with a team of 15 to three states in Mexico! Thank you for praying for EFM's Luke 10 Initiative as Evangelical Friends discern where to launch new mission fields as part of EFM's five-year …