Dear Friends, During the 1980s Ana, and then Voicu, came to the Lord through the ministry of Evangelical Friends in Alliance, Ohio. They were from Romania but living and working in the U.S. at the time. After they gave their lives to Christ they heard him calling them back to the country from …
Carta de Oración de Abril 2021
Voicu y Ana Marian | Sirviendo en Rumania Hace casi 22 años en la Junta Anual de la Región Este, dijimos: "¡Aquí estamos, envíanos!" Aquellos no fueron "tiempos mejores" para responder al llamado de Dios; simplemente nos sentimos abrumados por su invitación llena de Gracia. Venimos a Sibiu para ser …
April 2021 Prayer Letter
Voicu and Ana Marian | Serving in Romania Nearly 22 years ago at the EFC-ER Yearly Meeting, we said, “Here we are, send us!” Those weren’t “better times” to answer God’s calling; we simply felt overwhelmed by his gracious invitation. We came to Sibiu to be a family to orphaned girls. We …