There are Evangelical Friends who are serving in what we call “creative access” areas of the world, especially on the continent of Asia. They go into these areas as professionals in fields like education, health, counseling, and business. At the same time they let the light of Jesus Christ shine …
m. and k. l.
Carta de Oración Febrero 2020
¡Hola, de parte de M. and K. L.! ¿No son los días festivos una mezcla de alegría y estrés? ¡Sabemos que esta tensión siempre está presente durante nuestros días festivos! Estamos tan agradecidos que a pesar de nuestra humanidad y nuestras tendencias a complicar las cosas, Dios obra. Efectivamente …
February 2020 Prayer Letter
Hello from M. and K. L. – all seven of us! Aren’t the holidays such a mix of joy and stress? We know that this tension is always present during our holiday seasons! We are so thankful that despite our humanness and tendencies to complicate things, God works. He effectively completes all he desires …